If you own a business, security is likely one of your top concerns. When considering the options available when it comes to meeting security requirements, you can either choose to hire internal security staff or hire staff from a private security company. Many businesses are not aware of the various benefits of hiring a private security company, or simply don’t know that much about the industry.
To make the best decision for your business, it is important that you understand the basics of private security. Below we have listed five things you may not know about the private security industry.
Protection from more than just criminals
Yes, private security officers will protect your business from criminals. However, they do much more than that. We can provide SIA licensed security officers that are trained in fire safety awareness, data protection, health and safety, the laws surrounding the private security industry and much more. Experienced security officers are trained in first aid and general emergency response. When you hire a private security company, relax in the knowledge that your business and employees will have professional help on hand in case of an emergency.
Private security can boost business
Studies have shown that if employees have lower stress levels and feel safe in their work environment they will be more productive. Feeling unsafe could potentially cause undue stress for your employees, resulting in missing important deadlines, being consistently late or not showing up for work at all. It is important for your employees to know that you are concerned about their safety. Hiring private security officers will give your employees and those who visit your business the peace of mind they deserve.
Security officers can provide customer service
When you hire a private security officer, you are hiring a professional to represent your business. Whether stationed at the entrance to your building or inside on the front desk, they will be on-hand to answer customer queries and help guide visitors around your building and facilities. Private security officers are trained to absorb and exemplify the corporate culture around them; this enables them to fulfil a dual role that will only benefit your business.
Flexibility with private security
A good security company will be able to fulfil all of your security requirements. They will also know that off-the-shelf security solutions don’t work and will take into account any unique factors affecting your business. You will have complete flexibility over your security solution and so do not have to be concerned with the HR implications and legal limitations that can come with hiring security internally. Make changes such as the number of security personnel or hours needed, as and when you need.
Private security is cost-effective
With a private security company, your cost may be based on a set hourly rate and this will stay fixed subject to the terms of your service agreement. This means you will be protected from any unexpected extra labour and overtime costs. As such, hiring professionals can often be cheaper than hiring an internal security team, as you will not have to worry about managing payroll, providing uniforms and ensuring compliance. All your costs will be outlined in the agreement, meaning you will know exactly where your money is being spent.
Secure On Site Security is a renowned corporate security company. We offer a range of corporate security services, including the provision of corporate security guards and corporate security officers.